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Tacky - Weird Al Yankovic
It might seem crazy wearing stripes and plaid
I instagram every meal I've had
All my used liquor bottles are on display
We can go to see a show but I'll make you pay
Because I'm tacky
Wear my belt with suspenders and sandals with my socks
Because I'm tacky
Got some new glitter rubs and lovely pink sequined crocs
Because I'm tacky
Never let you forget some favor I did for you
Because I'm tacky
If you're okay with that then you might just be tacky too
I meet some chick ask her this and that
Like are you pregnant girl or just really fat what
Well now I'm dropping names there goes Cousin Lee
That's what kanye west keeps telling me here's why
Because I'm tacky
Wear my ed hardy shirt with fluorescent orange pants
Because I'm tacky
Got my new resume it's printed in comic sans
Because I'm tacky
Think it's fun flattening waiters with a bad yelp review
Because I'm tacky
If you think that's just fine then you're probably tacky too
Bring me shame can't nothing
Bring me shame can never know why
Bring me shame can't nothing
Bring me shame I said
Bring me shame can't nothing
Bring me shame it's pointless to try
Bring me shame can't nothing
Bring me shame I said
Because I'm tacky
43 bumper stickers and a yolo license plate
Because I'm tacky
Bring along my coupon book whenever I'm on a date
Because I'm tacky
Practice my twerking moves in line at the DMV
Because I'm tacky
Took the whole bowl of restaurant mints hey it said they're free
Because I'm tacky
I get drunk at the bank
And take off my shirt at least
Because I'm tacky
I would live-tweet a funeral take selfies with the deceased
Because I'm tacky
If I'm being biased on I'm probably not telling you
Because I'm tacky
If you don't think that's bad guess what then you're tacky too
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