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Rum - Brothers Osborne
Written by:T. J. Osborne/John Osborne/Barry Dean
Starin' at the prettiest part of this powder keg world
Sittin' with the finest example of a beautiful girl
If we hadn't hit the brakes we'd have no idea
Paradise was hidin' right here
Dippin' our toes in the water
I don't care if it gets any hotter
It's you and me rememberin' how to have fun
Let's put our hearts together
Two parts love and a pinch of good weather
And top it all off with the sun
And mix it with rum mmm mmm mm mm
We came out here to do a whole lotta nothin'
And we're doin' pretty good I think
The only one thing we need to worry about
Is fillin' up when the ice cubes clink
Dippin' our toes in the water
I don't care if it gets any hotter
It's you and me rememberin' how to have fun
Let's put our hearts together
Two parts love and a pinch of good weather
And top it all off with the sun
And mix it with rum mm mm mm mm
Mix it with rum mm mm mm mm
The lucky folks go to the ocean
The lake's for the landlocked ones
We got a tarp in a truck bed
A kiddie pool a slip and sleds
Let that garden hose run
Dippin' our toes in the water
I don't care if it gets any hotter
It's you and me rememberin' how to have fun
Let's put our hearts together
Two parts love and a pinch of good weather
And top it all off with the sun
And mix it with rum mmm mmm mm mm
And mix it with rum mmmm mmmm mm mm
And mix it with rum mmmm mmmm mm mm
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