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当前位置:首页 - 舞曲 - Club Dance - Christian Tanz - Rocking On The Floor (Radio Mix)
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文件大小:8.96 MB


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Rocking On The Floor - Christian Tanz
Written by:Salvatore Schillaci/Santo Finocchiaro/Christian Bruni/Samuele Cacelli
I'm rocking in the club
DJ does
Your chance
I'm moving everybody
I'm rocking to the floor
I got subject I'm begging in the club
I'm moving everybody
I'm rocking on the world
Cause body never ends coming burn like a pump
I'm rocking in the club
Give me one more younger love baby
Give me one more younger love girl
Give me one more younger love shorty
Give me one more younger love short
Give me one more younger love
Leave me just can make me ready your drop
I got oh my fellas oh subject
Then let me enter your club b***h
We're moving
We're moving
We takes on the growing
We're turning
We don't wanna stop
We're moving
We're moving
We takes on the growing
We're turning
We don't wanna stop
I'm moving everybody
I'm rocking to the floor
I got subject I'm begging in the club
I'm moving everybody
I'm rocking on the world
Cause body never ends coming burn like a pump
I'm f**king cool for the girl
Cause you wanna dance in the dance floor
Now shorty can be fool to be
Cause DJ start to bring my s**t
Gonna once be last want want
Maybe cause you're so fast
I go first
I'm gonna shaking us
Like we are on the girl girl go bad
We're moving
We're moving
We takes on the growing
We're turning
We don't wanna stop
We're moving
We're moving
We takes on the growing
We're turning
We don't wanna stop
I'm moving everybody
I'm rocking to the floor
I got subject I'm begging in the club
I'm moving everybody
I'm rocking on the world
Cause body never ends coming burn like a pump
I'm rocking in the club
I'm rocking in the club
I'm rocking in the club
I'm rocking in the club
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