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当前位置:首页 - 音乐 - Deep 舞曲 - Calvin Harris - Disciples - How Deep Is Your Love (Alexx Slam - Lis Remix)
Calvin Harris - Disciples - How Deep Is Your Love (Alexx Slam - Lis Remix)

Calvin Harris - Disciples - How Deep Is Your Love (Alexx Slam - Lis Remix)

所属分类:Deep 舞曲
文件大小:10.06 MB
Calvin Harris - Disciples - How Deep Is Your Love (Alexx Slam - Lis Remix)歌词信息介绍
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How Deep Is Your Love (Radio Edit) - Calvin Harris/Disciples
Written by:Calvin Harris/Ina Wrolsden/Nathan Duvall/Gavin Koolman/Luke Mc Dermott
I want you to breathe me
Let me be your air
Let me warm your body free you
No inhibition no fear
How deep is your love
Is it like the ocean
What devotion are you
How deep is your love
Is it like nirvana
Hit me harder again
How deep is your love
How deep is your love
How deep is your love
Is it like the ocean
Pull me closer again
How deep is your love
How deep is your love
Open up my eyes and
Tell me who i am
Let me in on all your secrets
No inhibition no sin
How deep is your love
Is it like the ocean
What devotion are you
How deep is your love
Is it like nirvana
Hit me harder again
How deep is your love
How deep is your love
How deep is your love
Is it like the ocean
Pull me closer again
How deep is your love
How deep is your love
How deep is your love
So tell me how deep is your love could it go deep
So tell me how deep is your love could it go deep
So tell me how deep is your love could it go deep
So tell me how deep is your love could it go deep
How deep is your love
So tell me how deep is your love could it go deep
So tell me how deep is your love could it go deep
How deep is your love
So tell me how deep is your love could it go deep
Pull me closer again
So tell me how deep is your love could it go deep
How deep is your love
How deep is your love
How deep is your love
So tell me how deep is your love could it go deep
So tell me how deep is your love could it go deep
How deep is your love
So tell me how deep is your love could it go deep
So tell me how deep is your love could it go deep
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